St. Francis Manor & Seeland Park
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St. Francis Manor, Inc. iruwe isi na odabara goomentii etiti ruuru iwu nke na -adighikwa akpa oke na ndabere nke agburu, agba, obodo, afo, nkwaru, ma o bu mmekoahu. St. Francis Manor, Inc. adighi ewpu mmadu ma o bu na -emeso ha di iche iche nihi agburu, na agba, obodo, afo, nkwaru, ma o bu mmkoahu.

St. Francis Manor, Inc.:

  • Enyekwara ndi nwere si ekwaru si ekwu okwu na anyi, di ka:
  • Ruru eru asusu ndi ogbi
  • Dere omuma ndi ozo (nnukwu ebiputa, odiyo ndeko, inweta electronik, ozo formats)
  • Enyekwara asusu ozo na abughi English aka, di ka:
  • Ruru eru ntughari okwu
  • Ozi e dere na a susu ozo

O burukwa na I chere na Morgan Hawkins or Tiffany Criswell a gbuola afo na ala n’ihe gbasara i chere na Morgan Hawkins or Tiffany Criswell

O burukwa na I chere na St. Francis Manor, Inc. a gbuola afo na ala n’ihe gbasara i nyere ndi n’o na mkpa aka, n’ihi ebe ha si, afo ole ha di, a gburu ha, colo aru ha, biko degara leta nye Morgan Hawkins, Compliance Officer or Tiffany Criswell, Quality Coordinator, 2021 4th Avenue Grinnell, IA 50112, 641-236-7592, Fax: 641-269-5497,, I nwekwara I ji aka gi degara ndi na achikota o gbako a ahwukwo na aka gi site na mailu, fax ma o bu Email. Morgan Hawkins, Compliance Officer or Tiffany Criswell, Quality Coordinator nokwa mgbe o bula, nyere gi aka.



I nwekwa ike I degara akwuko uye ulo oru ndi U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically site na office for Civil Right. Kwa ha mkpa gi site na https;//ocroportal.hhs,gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf, ma o bu site na


US Department of Human Services

200 Independence Avenue, SW

Room 509F, HHH Building

Washington D.C 20201,

1-800-868-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD)


Mkpesa iche di na


St. Francis Manor, Inc. na eso usoro iwu federal civil rights. Ha a nakwagi akpachapu onye o bula n’ihe e be o nye ahu si, a gburu ya, colo ahu ya, aha ole onye ahu di, ma o bu nwoke ma o bu nwanyi.


Ige nti: O buru na asu Ibo asusu, enyemaka diri gi site na call 1-877-696-6775.


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