St. Francis Manor & Seeland Park
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Mary Vaverka, Daughter of Resident

By Mary Vaverka, Daughter of Resident

"A wonderful home for our mom! Living independently was getting harder for our mom so she decided she was ready to visit assisted living facilities. After visiting several places, she was excited to call the Hammond Center for Assisted Living her new home. We could not have asked for a warmer welcome from the administration and staff. They were so helpful as she made the transition from living independently to assisted living. We are so thankful for the new friendships our mom has made; both with tenants and staff. She enjoys exercise classes and other social activities. Our mom is proud of her new home and enjoys showing it to others. We are so grateful for the quality of care our mom receives! We feel at peace knowing 24-hour supportive services are available and we know the staff goes above and beyond meeting our mom’s needs. We could not ask for better communication. It takes special people to do what the staff does at the Hammond Center. It truly is a wonderful home for our mom! We want to thank everyone so much for what they all do so well!"

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