St. Francis Manor & Seeland Park
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Tom Tish

By Tom Tish, Resident since 2018

Let me tell you about a great place to spend your retirement years! Karen and I were both born and raised in Iowa but left for careers in other locations. After a 53-year absence, we chose to return to Iowa for our retirement home. We spent over a year looking at many beautiful properties but just did not find what we thought we were looking for. On one trip we decided to look at Seeland Park in Grinnell, never thinking we would actually move here.

What we found was a very friendly retirement community that provides the freedom to own your own home while not being saddled with the costs of home maintenance and appliance repair, snow removal, or even lawn care if mowing is no longer (or never was) your thing.  The community offers a variety of living options including apartment, duplex, and single-family homes, all with features such as open design, wide doorways, and best of all--everything is on one level!!

If you are the type of person who is a Mr. or Ms. Fix It, you will find that an adjustment is necessary to live here because Seeland Park takes care of it all. The maintenance crew is wonderful. They even change your burned-out light bulbs! You only need to call the office and maintenance responds. You will have many less headaches and worries here, and a lot more time to pursue your hobbies, meet new friends, and enjoy yourself!

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