Easter Egg Hunt at St. Francis Manor
The Easter Bunny hopped over to St. Francis Manor for its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 15. Over 60 children attended the annual event which is held for St. Francis and Seeland Park residents’ grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as staff members’ children and grandchildren. Before the hunt began, the Easter Bunny caught up with Ethan, Maddax and Huxley, children of St. Francis Manor employee Julia Ingle (photo on right). Many St. Francis residents assisted with filling around 800 Easter eggs and then enjoyed watching the children find the eggs during the hunt.
Photo on Left: The Easter Bunny also posed with St. Francis Manor resident Richard Bortell and his family which included 4 generations—Richard, daughter Lori Versendaal, grandson Andy Versendaal, and great grandchildren, Adriana, Lydia and Cyrus Versendaal. Pictured L-R: Andy Versendaal, Kayla Moyer, Lydia, Cyrus and Lori Versendaal, Easter Bunny, Richard Bortell, Andre and Adriana Versendaal.