St. Francis Manor & Seeland Park
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Eggman Matching Pledge Challenge

December 4, 2019

Ken and Mary Eggman, major donors to the Hammond Center for Assisted Living, are stepping up again with a $13,000 matching pledge to help raise funds for a new van for resident transportation.  

“We currently rely on one van that is well past its prime and another with escalating mileage,” explains Barb Baker, Chair of the St. Francis Manor Foundation. “With the additional transportation needs of our Hammond Center tenants, as well as the increasing number of medical appointments in Des Moines and Iowa City, acquiring a third handicapped accessible van has become a priority.”

We are grateful that Seeland Park residents Ken and Mary have generously offered to match every new gift received beginning today, up to $13,000 in total, to ensure transportation is available to all residents/tenants who need it. This means new gifts to the St. Francis Manor Foundation, a charitable 501(c)(3) organization, can now have double the impact through this matching gift offer, in addition to being tax-deductible.

THANK YOU to all donors who have contributed over $30,000 to the van fund to date.

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