St. Francis Manor & Seeland Park
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Fall Tour of Homes Brought Many New Visitors to Campus!

October 21, 2017

At least 65 visitors, including 36 first-timers, attended Seeland Park’s Fall Tour of Homes on October 8th.  Approximately 42% of the visitors were from communities outside of Grinnell, including Altoona, Brooklyn, Gilman, Kellogg, Malcom, Montezuma, Newton, Pleasant Hill, Victor and Waterloo, as well as the states of Colorado, Missouri and Texas!    

In addition to seeing a variety of home sizes and floor plans, attendees were able to view an exhibit of toy farm equipment and enjoy refreshments in the Social Center.  The winners of the Tour of Homes drawing for three $20 Casey’s gift cards were Norma Brignon, Marvin & Carol Stone, and Cliff & Marilyn Strovers. 

A big “Thank You” to Marcia Braley, Jack & Dona Hendrickson, Marie Hotchkin, and Jim & Betty Ludden for opening their homes for tours; to George Durand, Larry Rosenow and Glenn Sterk for showing their toy farm equipment collections; to Cindy Strobel for preparing and serving refreshments; and to the Seeland Park maintenance and housekeeping staff for having the grounds and available homes looking so nice.

We also wish to thank our Marketing Committee members and the other Seeland Park volunteers who helped to host this important event.  It is only with your help that visitors have an opportunity to attend a public event which allows them to see a variety of floor plans and to meet so many of our wonderful residents!

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