St. Francis Manor & Seeland Park
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Homecoming Week! Full of Hype!

October 12, 2023

The St. Francis Manor campus was full of hype the week of October 2nd as the residents, Hammond Center for Assisted Living tenants, and staff celebrated Homecoming in conjunction with GHS. From daily dress-up days to crowning a king and queen, many residents and tenants loved participating in the festivities with the culmination being the GHS Homecoming Parade.

Leading the St. Francis Manor entourage were Homecoming Queen Janet Ryan and Homecoming King Tom Simpson who were both GHS graduates, Janet in 1957 and Tom in 1960.

Many staff members along with their kids walked and handed out candy to the eagerly waiting children. Fitness Director Callie McCaslen and Hammond Center tenant Marge Kaloupek pedaled the Fun2Go bike from St. Francis Manor, around the parade route, and back to St. Francis getting their exercise in the strong wind!

Five Hammond Center tenants rode in the van with Betty Hammond in the passenger’s seat waving and smiling at many familiar faces. The Hammond Center Homecoming King and Queen were Al Terpstra and Theda Fopma, both 96 years young. Seeland Park was represented by several residents riding their motorized carts followed by Seeland Parkers Dwight & Betty Niday in their 2004 orange and black Ford Mustang convertible.  

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