St. Francis Manor & Seeland Park
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Kintzinger Family Spearheads Matching Funds of $60,000 for Hammond Center for Assisted Living

September 28, 2018

The family of the late Jewel W. Kintzinger (1933 - 2017) has announced a matching fundraising effort of $60,000 to support completion of the Hammond Center for Assisted Living in Grinnell. This match will apply to new donations made to the St. Francis Manor Foundation which are designated for the Hammond Center for Assisted Living Building Campaign. As of September 26, the St. Francis Manor Foundation had received just over $873,000 in cash donations towards its goal of raising $1 million in cash funds for this project by December 31, 2018.

In the photo above are Jewel’s children in front of her house in Grinnell:  (L-R) Wendy Lentz of Paradise Valley, AZ; Stuart Kintzinger of Charlotte, NC; Rachel Harpham of Redding, CA; and Doug Kintzinger of Lake Oswego, OR.

According to Stuart Kintzinger, “Jewel always loved to help organizations that serve the community.  She liked to offer matching funds to inspire people within the community to participate in donating so they could also experience the joy she found in giving to local worthy projects.” This matching pledge would increase the Kintzinger family’s total donation to the St. Francis Manor Foundation in support of the Hammond Center for Assisted Living Building Campaign to $160,000.

“We are so humbled and appreciative of the generosity shown by Jewel and her family in supporting the Hammond Center for Assisted Living Building Campaign as well as other projects over the years,” said Barb Baker, Chair of the St. Francis Manor Foundation. “We are also extremely grateful to the greater Grinnell community for its support of this project which has made it possible for Jewel’s past pledges to be matched.  We hope the community will consider helping us match this final pledge to complete our fundraising for this project.”

The 2-story Hammond Center for Assisted Living includes 20 spacious private apartments with 16 one-bedroom, 2 two-bedroom and 2 studio apartments, and will connect to the 10-plex apartments and the Administration Offices on the east side of St. Francis Manor. It will allow tenants to stay independent but still have peace of mind knowing their specific daily needs will be met by the 24-hour on-site staff. Thirteen of the 20 apartments are currently reserved. The 9,238 sq. ft. lower level amenities will include a walking track, exercise equipment, craft/reading room, quilting room, game room and theater/conference room; and offer a variety of activities and fitness classes to engage campus residents physically, mentally and socially.

The Hammond Center is expected to be completed this December and the public will be invited to tour it and the campus during an open house tentatively being planned for December 9 from 2-4 PM. For more information about this project, visit or contact Executive Administrator Dion Schrack or Manager/RN Sammi Bryan at 641-236-7592.

Checks to benefit the Hammond Center for Assisted Living Building Campaign should be made payable to “St. Francis Manor Foundation” and can be dropped off or mailed to 2021 4th Avenue, Grinnell, IA 50112. Individuals 70 ½ or older with an IRA can avoid paying taxes on their required minimum distribution by donating directly to the St. Francis Manor Foundation through an IRA charitable rollover.  Anyone interested in learning more about this giving option should contact their financial advisor or banker.

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