St. Francis Manor & Seeland Park
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Mothers of our Community: Spotlight on Fran

May 26, 2021

Fran Bowers by her daughter, Darla Andersen

My mom will be a mom for 70 years in July to six children! Her 14 grandchildren call her Grandma Fran and her 26 great-grandchildren (2 more due in June) call her Great Grandma Fran. Her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren live in many places including Florida, Louisiana, Indiana, Iowa and Hong Kong!

Mom loves plants and can make a half-dead leaf into a beautiful plant. She especially likes African violets. She even had a miniature orange tree as a house plant for many years. Growing up, we always had a big garden so she (with our help!) planted, harvested and canned a lot of our food.

Mom taught us to bake, cook and sew. She always made the best cinnamon rolls— regular and gooey were both good! I remember we had a busy house!

Mom collected books and Avon. She taught school for many years and later sold Discovery Toys. She has lived in Iowa, Wisconsin, Tennessee, and Arkansas during her life. She has been in Grinnell for the last 10 years in November.

Mom has a beautiful smile and loves to laugh until she cries! She turned 91 on May 3. We love you, Mom!

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