St. Francis Manor & Seeland Park
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Seeland Park Stories: My Miracle

July 23, 2020

I have always believed in miracles; and during this terrible pandemic, I have not been disappointed! My mother always planted pansies every year; and she told me, “When you have white pansies, they are telling you that somebody is watching over you.”

I have never planted pansies so you can imagine my surprise when I went out to check my rose bush in the front rock bed. Sitting around the bush, were many pansy clumps! And in one of them was a beautiful group of white pansies.

This was my miracle – my beloved Mother had sent birds to plant these beautiful flowers! And in the one grouping, the bouquet of white pansies said to me, “God & your Mother are watching over you during this difficult time. Your dad, myself, & Jesus walk with you every day.” Each time I look at the pansies, I smile!

Hold on to your faith and keep a smile. As strong Americans, we will get through this large bump in the road. If you need an extra nudge, come see my miracle pansies!

- Kathi Sawyer, 931 Seeland Drive



We would love to continue to feature stories of our community with our community! Do you have a favorite trip? Perhaps a hobby such as baking or gardening? Have you served in the military? Do you have a memory from years past that would be a joy for others to read and enjoy? Everyone has a story that can enrich our community and help us through this time of extended isolation. Social distancing is just physical distance. We can all connect through words on a page. Submit your idea, and we will contact you with some simple questions to answer. You can also submit suggestions for friends and neighbors that you think would have a good story to tell. Just email with your ideas!

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