Garden Presentation: How to Design & Plant Attractive Containers
Approximately 60 Seeland Park & St. Francis Manor Residents and family members attended Lori Norton's third annual presentation on "How to Design & Plant Attractive Containers" on April 27th. Lori introduced us to some new plant varieties and showed us how to combine a variety of plants categorized as "fillers", "thrillers" or "spillers" to make eye-catching planters. She also demonstrated how to plant attractive containers using different varieties of a plant with contrasting colors, heights, and foliage, including a lavender container and a sedum planter.
Norton's Greenhouse in Toledo furnishes the beautiful planters for downtown Grinnell, which was named Iowa's "Best Bloomin' Town" by Our Iowa magazine in 2014. Lori told us the secret to keeping plants beautiful and blooming all summer long is using Osmocote slow release fertilizer at the time of planting and then Jack's Petunia Feed when watering the plants. Attendees enjoyed having Norton's Greenhouse come to them and the opportunity to purchase Lori's planters and a variety of other plants after her demonstration.